
Showing posts from September, 2008


Who is your hero? Unfortunately we tend to have imaginary heroes or heroes who are far from us or heroes who are limited in only one aspect of life. And I guess they do not have a strong real impact on our life, now let me show you a real hero, who is a hero in everything he does, he is very close to you and can make you a hero too. Imagine you are playing in a football team, sorry but you are not a good player nor any member of your team, while the other team is really strong (lets say Brazil). It is the world cup final and every thing in your life is depending on this match “It is your life”. Now how do you feel? How will you perform? No hope and you can not do any thing to avoid the defeat. But suddenly Jesus stepped in and offered to help your team, He will not play as a striker nor as a play maker, even though he is perfect in both, Jesus will be the goalkeeper which means no matter how good is the other team they will never be able to score. Can you see how your life is different

God is faithful

Mosses, David, Abraham and Joseph When we think of them we think of the salvation leader of Israel, the mighty king of praise, the blessed father of faith, the man who defeated sin and hanger. These are the ideas that come to our minds when we remember them, but in their history there is something different, something common between those heroes and period of time they all lived with faith above all doubts. And here it is; they all kept their faith in God while they were waiting for his promises to come true. It took God 40 years to reveal to Mosses how he will use him to deliver his nation, while David lived rejected and escaping from the king even though he was the anointed real king, Abraham was promised a blessings and a son who shall inherit this blessing while all wisdom and previous experiences were saying this was impossible and unreasonable. Finally Joseph was given a vision from God and for years he was treated as a guilty slave in jail. They all waited in the hard time, in t