Who is your hero?

Unfortunately we tend to have imaginary heroes or heroes who are far from us or heroes who are limited in only one aspect of life. And I guess they do not have a strong real impact on our life, now let me show you a real hero, who is a hero in everything he does, he is very close to you and can make you a hero too.

Imagine you are playing in a football team, sorry but you are not a good player nor any member of your team, while the other team is really strong (lets say Brazil). It is the world cup final and every thing in your life is depending on this match “It is your life”. Now how do you feel? How will you perform? No hope and you can not do any thing to avoid the defeat.

But suddenly Jesus stepped in and offered to help your team, He will not play as a striker nor as a play maker, even though he is perfect in both, Jesus will be the goalkeeper which means no matter how good is the other team they will never be able to score.

Can you see how your life is different now?
Then Jesus told you that he will help you with directions on how to play, he is an expert and he knows every thing about this game. Now is not it totally different? I am sure you will attack the other team confidently, you will not be afraid any more, and you will have fun learning the skills of the game and at the end you will celebrate the victory no matter how good the other team was.

Enjoy your journey as you have Jesus a great priest who has gone through the heavens. Hold firmly to the faith in your battle, he sympathizes with our weaknesses, he never lost a battle and will never lose yours, lets take from him the grace and mercy we need to win our battles.


H.N.Sadik said…
A good and an uptodate analogy of the existing fact that Jesus is in the game, although it may sound too modern to us as eastern Christians but on the other hand it sounds impacting and fine.

Good job i am waiting for other kingship spiritual and priestly or even prophetic writing that in all you are talented

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