
     Like me you probably have heard so many arguments about salvation. For example, are we saved by faith alone? Or by works? or by both?  Can we even be sure about our salvation? Can a man really lose his salvation? Here is where I found peace; when I stepped back and asked myself a deeper question. Is salvation something we earn? Or it is the work of God? Can a man save himself or only God can save us? The Christian faith represent Jesus as the savior of the world1. The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world2. God even gives us a heart to know him3 Even our reaction after salvation is led by his Holy Spirit and is not a result of our righteousness and we can’t even claim credit for it.  Bible say that we created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do4. And again, it confirms that it is God who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose5.

We can conclude that the salvation and the change in our life is God’s work. Our role is to accept it and believe it by faith. It is not free, easy or simple. It costed Him his own beloved Son. It is a miracle that is done by God not by us. It is like the resurrection moving from death to life which can only be achieved by the power of God6. When we believe we trust that God is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with joy7


Salvation is God’s work done by Christ, after we accept it. The Holy Spirit helps us know Him and guide us on how to live a life that He prepared so that we may glorify Him.

1-1 john 4:14
2- John 1:29
3- Jeremiah 24
4- Ephesians 2:10
5- Philippians 2:13
6- Romans 8:11
7- Jude 24



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