God's voice lesson # 2 The fatal mistake

 One day a young man went to his father and asked him for advice. The father was not sure if his son really wanted his advice. When the son insisted the father hesitantly opened up his heart and out of love gave the best advice to his son. The son went away and did the exact opposite of his father's advice in a humiliating way.  The father was very insulted and regretted opening up his heart and shared his wisdom. 

This is almost our story with God when we ask for his voice and don't obey. In my career I am always given the freedom to manage my area. I am always trusted to do what I see appropriate. But in those cases when I consult my manager or my manager's manager it is an insult if I totally ignore their opinion or advice. Same principle applies to God.

When the nation of Israel asked God to give them the law, the law became a law it was no longer optional or best practice. This is how God's Word should be treated in our life.

Let me share an example from Jeremiah 42. At this time the remnant asked Jeremiah to ask God  "where we should go and what we should do." Until then it was their choice but they asked God. They also confirmed that they would obey whatever God will say. Ten days later God spoke and he was clear. He said stay in the land and I will bless you and don't go to Egypt otherwise I will curse you. God also knew their hearts and knew they would not obey. God said that they made a fatal mistake when they said "tell us everything he says and we will do it".

Don't fall into this fatal mistake, not knowing God's will may be better than knowing it and intentionally disobeying it. How many of us don't share the gospel but wasn't swallowed by a fish like Jonah? Knowing God's voice and will is bringing more responsibility, you are giving away your choice and obligating yourself to obey.  So always pray that you are also given the grace and the help needed to obey.   


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