Reading your Bible vs unleashing its power.
Don’t just read your Bible but unleash its power.
As a new believer my mother always wanted the Bible reader at
church to continue reading the passage. For her the text was so much better
than any comment that can be said about the verses. She thought to herself, “Don’t
I have a Bible at home? Why don’t I read it?” She realized a new appreciation,
admiration and hunger for the Word of God. One of my schoolmates only reads the
Bible while on his knees out of reverence; when you respect the Word, God will speak
to your kneeling heart. A faithful Bible preacher while suggesting
participating in a Bible reading marathon, said the Word of God is like the
water--it will clean your heart, refresh your spiritual life and water God’s
seeds and promises in you. Just let it run through your heart and mind. A dear
Muslim friend politely refused to accept a gift Bible saying the Bible is like
magic: it affects its readers, and she wants to be faithful to her Islamic
belief. A friend, referring to the power of the Word, told me God once said “let
there be light” and there was light. He added when you read in your Bible that God
said “be something” the Holy Spirit can create this “something” in your life right
there and then, this is how powerful the Word of God is and this is how we read
it with respect, anticipation and faith.
So don’t just read your Bible.