Nehemiah’s 52 Days Detox, Part 1; What is it?


Recently I have done one of the best things I have done in years. I started my Nehemiah detox bible reading plan and 52 days later, I finished reading the whole Bible. It was an intensive interaction with God’s word that I would highly recommend. It is a way to get closer to God and to detox your heart and mind from a lot of the world’s ideas that creep in during our normal daily life. To be honest because the daily readings are long, it was overwhelming at times. In average you read 23 pages a day. One day’s reading is equal the weekly reading from a common one-year Bible reading plan. Falling behind one day made the next day more challenging. During my readings days I lost my focus sometimes. There were parts where I knew I needed to revisit to pay attention to the details. I took notes to come back and study those parts later. Questioned why God cared about certain details that I did not care about that much. For example, the lists of names, family trees, geographical borders or the temple design and materials details. I felt overwhelmed at times with God repeatedly expressing his anger or explaining Israel’s betrayal and sins. Yet the overall experience was priceless.

The idea to create and start the Nehemiah’s 52 days detox plan came when I wanted to have a balanced Bible reading diet. I wanted to feed my spirit with each of God’s word group every day. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a ready-to-use schedule that meets these criteria. So, I modified one to meet my spiritual needs at the time. In a separate article I will share my reading plan, why it is set up this way, why it is a detox along with some ideas that may make the experience even more rewarding.

Now let me share why I consider it one of the best spiritual investments I did recently. My experience was transforming. With days full of extreme joy and encouragement. Two- or three-weeks God’s word settled in that I needed to re-examine and renew my spiritual commitments. It had a detox effect because it required long hours of reading, because I also work full time, I was not able to do many other things with my daily readings. The Bible became my only source of brain and spiritual food. This had an intended positive brain cleaning or detox effect. The deeper in the plan you will have a sharper spiritual discernment and everything else other than the world of God will sound shallow, sadly maybe including some preaching. You will start to long and hunger for the real thing, the true food, God’s word, and everything else will sound diluted and fake.

A month in, my reading time became almost addicting, very ecstatic and fulfilling. Like me, you may have several nights dreaming about the Bible settings or events. You may wake up saying a verse, a prayer or even a spirit filled sentences; not an exact verse but resemble the verse’s spirit. Those nights were very special. Reading long portions gives a panoramic view of the Bible that is always new. You will be able to link themes, places, events, and verses more than ever before. I think this not only intensive but balanced reading plan gave me a concentrated doses of God’s revelation that I can comfortably say now I know God better and that I have a better understanding of his mind and intentions. This concentrated reading will immerse you in God’s word and love which is reviving to your soul and spirit.

The Nehemiah 52 days detox plan resembles unusual events in the Bible when the nation of Israel listened or read the whole law in one day. This did not happen much but when it did the effect was amazing, accompanied with repentance and recommitment to God. Detailed slow Bible reading and studying is more common and is expected to be the standard daily practice. Yet my point is that there is also a place to enjoy reading large parts daily. If you decided to start, you will have a better understanding of the unity of the Bible and the mind of God. If you would like to start, check my next article. As Nehemiah built Jerusalem’s walls in 52 days, I am praying that God would challenge you to invest those 52 days to build your Bible spiritual walls.


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