
Showing posts from March, 2020

Thinking with God

God does not need to think  but we do need to PRAY Proverbs 16:1 The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. God has a different nature, his mind does not operate like humans’. He does not need to think; and by thinking I mean to evaluate and rearrange the motives and ideas. He has the answers because He has the absolute wisdom.  The preparation of the heart or thinking belong to man. And Adam's fall made it harder, now we have an imbalance; we need to weigh things, to question our motivations and ideas. The knowledge of good and evil made us know them both but yet we like them both. We usually need to work our minds and hearts to differentiate between good and evil. There is a conflict between our Spirit and our flesh. Our spirit wants to do the will of God but our flesh wants to submit to its body desires. Mark 14:37 “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” When you are born-again "Prayer" becomes

Human Beauty

Part of being a human is to wonder if you are living up to your moral standards and raising to your potential. The answer might seem straight forward most of the time. But when you are seriously looking for an honest answer your might find it challenging to decide. If we took this question to the Bible, we will find an expansion to this confusion; we know that God created man in his image. We also know that man fell and was cursed. So we are a cursed version of a creation which was in the image of God. Yet God says that his delights were with the sons of men. On the other hand, he regretted that He had made man because of man’s sin. Yet our potential is precious enough that God sent his only Son to die for us. When a man is born-again, he realizes that there is a conflict inside, there is the spirit and the flesh. So can we say that man is a beautiful creature? I can say yes, because God created humans beautiful. He is the perfect creator. He made us socially caring, we learn h