Human Beauty

Part of being a human is to wonder if you are living up to your moral standards and raising to your potential. The answer might seem straight forward most of the time. But when you are seriously looking for an honest answer your might find it challenging to decide.

If we took this question to the Bible, we will find an expansion to this confusion; we know that God created man in his image. We also know that man fell and was cursed. So we are a cursed version of a creation which was in the image of God. Yet God says that his delights were with the sons of men. On the other hand, he regretted that He had made man because of man’s sin. Yet our potential is precious enough that God sent his only Son to die for us. When a man is born-again, he realizes that there is a conflict inside, there is the spirit and the flesh.

So can we say that man is a beautiful creature?
I can say yes, because God created humans beautiful. He is the perfect creator. He made us socially caring, we learn how to love and appreciate love. We enjoy nature and want to be happy. We feel, we hope, we believe. We sympathize, we want to help. We have a basic moral code built within the “conscience.”

But while we were created to be spiritual; sin damaged our moral judgment. Sin made us selfish and concerned about our desires more than our eternal fate. Humans are shocked when life leads them to discover or face their ugly, damaged nature. We can hear humans echoing Paul’s cry, “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” in Romans 7:24

Here are some examples of Human beauty that I have seen during the last few years.
1. Someone significantly supported me financially to achieve my career goal and years later when I tried to pay him back; he refused saying “No, keep the ball rolling; just use this money to support someone else”. That is called “Human beauty in giving”

2. Once joking with a friend’s 5-year-old daughter asking her who her hero is. She replied “you, but my Daddy is really strong” this is called human beauty shown by a pure form of love; a daughter love to her dad seeing him as her hero.

3. Once on an extremely cold day I saw a woman in her 60’s sharing her gloves with a young man in his 20’s, this is human beauty in sharing and sacrificing.

4. Once I visited a lonely 70-year-old lady with Crohn's disease. She was sleeping in a hospital bed, had lost most of her weight, her hair and even her ability to eat. When she was asked what is making her sad, she said with a low voice with tears in her eyes “I have a lot of beautiful dresses that I want to be able to wear.” This is called the human beauty shown in loving life.

Humans are the same all over the world; they are weak, heading toward death but yet they are beautiful and they love life. Humans are beautiful creatures who were designed to be saved to live a healthy eternal life.


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