
Showing posts from January, 2023

Reading your Bible vs unleashing its power.

  Don’t just read your Bible but unleash its power. As a new believer my mother always wanted the Bible reader at church to continue reading the passage. For her the text was so much better than any comment that can be said about the verses. She thought to herself, “Don’t I have a Bible at home? Why don’t I read it?” She realized a new appreciation, admiration and hunger for the Word of God. One of my schoolmates only reads the Bible while on his knees out of reverence; when you respect the Word, God will speak to your kneeling heart. A faithful Bible preacher while suggesting participating in a Bible reading marathon, said the Word of God is like the water--it will clean your heart, refresh your spiritual life and water God’s seeds and promises in you. Just let it run through your heart and mind. A dear Muslim friend politely refused to accept a gift Bible saying the Bible is like magic: it affects its readers, and she wants to be faithful to her Islamic belief. A friend, referring to

Nehemiah’s 52 Days Detox, Part 1; What is it?

  Recently I have done one of the best things I have done in years. I started my Nehemiah detox bible reading plan and 52 days later, I finished reading the whole Bible. It was an intensive interaction with God’s word that I would highly recommend. It is a way to get closer to God and to detox your heart and mind from a lot of the world’s ideas that creep in during our normal daily life. To be honest because the daily readings are long, it was overwhelming at times. In average you read 23 pages a day. One day’s reading is equal the weekly reading from a common one-year Bible reading plan. Falling behind one day made the next day more challenging. During my readings days I lost my focus sometimes. There were parts where I knew I needed to revisit to pay attention to the details. I took notes to come back and study those parts later. Questioned why God cared about certain details that I did not care about that much. For example, the lists of names, family trees, geographical borders or t

Nehemiah’s 52 Days Detox, Part 2; The Plan

Here I will present the detox daily plan, why I set it up this way and where the idea came from. The Bible refers to the Word of God as food. Jeremiah, Ezekiel and John metaphorically ate scrolls and book.   Jesus himself said we need the Word of God to live not bread alone. Paul referred to the believers need to be fed. Here is where the idea of Bible diet plan started. The Word of God was written in different forms and styles for a reason. God in his ultimate wisdom decided to have it this way. In the light of the food metaphor, we can see that this diversion was for a reason. Our food can be classified into seven groups: protein, vitamins, dietary fibers, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and water. They are all essential and play important roles in our health balance. The Word of God can be similarly classified into seven groups: The Gospels, wisdom, the law, history, prophecy, the epistles and poetry. All are also essential to our spiritual walk. When we look deeper, we can see fur