Greatest Guidelines (Mathew 18)

Would you like to be great? Who does not want to? Then let’s take a look on Jesus’ guidelines on how to be eternally great.

The Door
First he stated it clearly that to get to the eternal part or to enter the kingdom of heaven you need to be converted or turned into a little child as he explained more clearly in John 3 on how to be reborn again by the spirit.

To be great
The secret of being great in the kingdom is to humble yourself as a little child, as he said in mark 9:35 “if any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all and servant of all.”

Kingdom members’ characteristics
1-Love one another
Then he started to highlight some of the basic characteristics of his kingdom members and obviously love must come on the top of his list. Jesus said “and whoever receives a little child like this in my name receives me." to refer to his main command which is to receive or accept and love one another in his name, even though the others might have some ignorant childish behavior.

2-Seek the lost
Then Jesus established the rules for the competition In our journey on earth, we must participate in the Holy Spirit’s great mission which was clearly mentioned 10 chapters later to “disciple all the nations” Jesus said here something with the same meaning to what he said to peter latter if you love me feed my lambs. He shared his motives and desires behind the mission. He said if you want to be great accomplish my mission stating it clearly “For the Son of Man came to save the lost.”

3- Be holy and do not stumble others

Here is one of the strongest warnings in the bible. Here Jesus wanted to demonstrate how each and every member of his family is so precious. Losing or being a stumble for others is not accepted which clearly shows how we are so important and loved by the Father. In the kingdom of God even the little one can not be despised for it is not the will of the Father that one of these little ones should perish. The warning is directed to us in both ways “Do not sin and do not be the reason for others to sin.

4-Confront and forgive

This point took most of the chapter and it was not a chance that Peter “the church Rock” was the one who asked about resolving issues between brothers Jesus sent a message to both sides ordering us to confront and to forgive. His love and forgiveness are the foundation for our confrontations and forgiveness

You must be born again before you can enter, humble yourself, love one another, seek the lost even the smallest one, be holy, confront with love, forgive endlessly as God forgave us


H.N.Sadik said…
It is great because it is Biblical simple, and systematic, God Bless you Fady

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