Destroying the work of the devil

Jesus came to establish a covenant, a new close relationship between us and God. His first priority was to destroy all the barriers the devil had built so that he (Jesus) can restore us back. He took the initiatives and showed us that God loves us to an extent that we can’t believe or comprehend. God regularly opens our eyes to realize what is in his heart for us. Along our journey with Jesus we gradually understand how the work of the devil is holding us back. Here are four barriers which Jesus destroyed:


If you are working as hard as possible to secure the earthy living then let me tell you that Jesus wants you to know that he can bless you to the level above which your business may collapse. He wants to comfort you financially, his will is blessing and prosper. God wants to visit your business; he wants to be closer to you even while you are at work. He wants to be your partner and in the same way he wants you to work with him in his mission to restore his children.

2- Doubting God’s kind will

You may ask yourself yes he can but does he want to? Yes he can but more importantly he wants too. Jesus is a lover; he wants to touch you a loving touch. When he wanted to define himself he said God is Love. His love is the reason why he says” Yes, I want” and the same reason why he sometimes says “no”. Whether he replied your request or he didn't be sure that the reason behind both situations is his love. If because of his love he gave his son to save you how would not he freely give you all things?


Jesus salvation made us clean and gave us his righteousness. Who could bring any charge against God's elect? The Bible said it clear there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Jesus also set us free from the fear of facing the holy God. Our sin is no longer a barrier. By the blood of Jesus we are not afraid of God’s holiness.

4- Paralysis

Jesus was given the authority to forgive sins, so that he can set us free and give us back our liberated will and to grant us control over our life. His will is to lead us to the genuine comfort, to our real home; the arms of our loving heavenly father. Run Home!

This article is inspired from Luke 5


H.N.Sadik said…
Great and touching article , GBU

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