What to do during COVID -19

As the Covid-19 crisis develops I have been thinking and praying seeking God’s view and perspective.  I reached a conclusion that for us to understand what is going on spiritually we need to:

1-Base our thoughts on our understanding of God’s heart

To have a solid foundation we should visit a beautiful piece in the Old Testament teaching us about the nature of our God. Let’s go to Isaiah 25 :7-8 “And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil (the death cloud) that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces..” God’s nature is to save, is to remove the death veil; he will definitely wipe away the tears. That is who He is. This will happen for sure in eternity for those who believe in the resurrected Christ. And he also wants to do the same here and now. He asked us to pray “your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” (Mark 6:10)

2-Pray with the right approach

“We prayed!” some would say, the US had a National Day of Prayer and some other countries as well, is not that enough? Well, it seems as a nation we prayed with the same tone of the disciples when they were waking Jesus up in the middle of the storm. Our prayer sounded something like this: “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” (Mark 4:38) We had been fighting the virus/the storm on our own for a while, we tried everything, we planned, we prepared and when we were really afraid, we searched for the sleeping God asking him, “Don’t you care?”
Does God care? Does Jesus, the one who died for you, care? We can hear his loving answer in Jonah 4:11 “And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than six score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand?”

3-Find our faith and specific calling

 As a believer God wants to challenge you, Mark 4 :40 “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” He is encouraging you to take your calling during your prayer. For some God might be saying “follow me and get closer, get enough love during this time, get to know me, I want to build you up and fill you with my Spirit” for others he is saying “GO! I am with you. Go and tell how I had mercy on you.” Do you know yet what is your calling during this time?

Finally, I want to invite you to pray with me to shape the world’s reaction to this crisis. It can be a marvelous repentance. It can also be an ugly rebelling against our loving God, blaming him for all that is happening. May this crisis lead the world to come back to its loving creator instead of to escape away from his protecting mercy.


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