Jesus Changed my life


I want to tell you "Jesus Changed my life"


When I put my trust in Jesus, my eyes were opened to understand that I was saved from death and was given eternal life. I was so happy but still terrified of how horrible my eternal fate would have been. I was so grateful to my brother who led me to Christ and prayed for me. During this wonderful experience I remember very well the bitterness I felt toward one of my dear friends. I knew later that he was born again and spiritually active in his church. I was so angry about why he never told me about my need for salvation. I felt I was dying and he never tried to help. I was wondering what could have stopped him from telling me about Christ. He said “I thought you were fine”. His reply made me sorry for him; really? You thought I was fine dying without Christ, spending every day without the wonderful personal relationship with the God of the universe, without God’s grace, mercy, joy and forgiveness?

Ironically 20 years later, hundreds of my unsaved friends could have asked me the same questions. Why am I not telling them about Christ? Why don’t I care about their eternity? Can I face their questions in eternal life when they ask me why you never told us? Why did you keep Christ for yourself?

If you are reading this and I never told you about how wonderful Christ is or how he can change your life. I apologize. Maybe I was shy, or was afraid this will not be well-perceived or maybe I thought this might affect our friendship. Please contact me and I will be happy to tell you how Jesus saved me and changed my life.


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