
The Living Water

The Living Water     While reading John 4, I wanted to write about the Living water and to answer three questions, why would the all mighty God ask us to do something for him, If we want to be wise then what shall we ask for and what do we really have to offer people around us.   Why would God ask you to do something hard? Sometimes we feel overwhelmed because God is asking us to do something hard, or to give away something valuable. When this happens, it is important to remember this heavenly secret; what you are doing or giving is not to compare to what God can do or give to you. In this situation I pray that your eyes will be opened to understand the Grace of God and the gift we are given when He asks us. Because then we can ask and receive the Living Water. The Comforter, The Counselor, The Teacher, The Helper, The Strengthener and The Intercessor. With Him and through Him we can surly satisfy the desires of God’s heart. W

Praying vs Doing

I would pray to move a mountain but I would not even care to move a pebble On my way to visit a cancer patient, I started to pray, I asked God to help, to heal, then I started to think of all those things I wanted God to do, but what am I ready to do? Am I willing to sacrifice anything, time, effort, or at least sincere care? Well, unfortunately without God’s grace I was not ready to move a finger or get out of my comfort zone.   While I might not have a control on how God would answer my prayers, I was concerned with the state of my heart. I sounded exactly like James 2:16 “And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” If prayer is so much easier than doing anything or we prefer praying instead of doing what we should be doing, then we have a problem. I started wondering why my prayer and readiness are so cold--do I need pain in my life to seek G

What to do during COVID -19

As the Covid-19 crisis develops I have been thinking and praying seeking God’s view and perspective.  I reached a conclusion that for us to understand what is going on spiritually we need to: 1-Base our thoughts on our understanding of God’s heart To have a solid foundation we should visit a beautiful piece in the Old Testament teaching us about the nature of our God. Let’s go to Isaiah 25 :7-8 “And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil (the death cloud) that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces..” God’s nature is to save, is to remove the death veil; he will definitely wipe away the tears. That is who He is. This will happen for sure in eternity for those who believe in the resurrected Christ. And he also wants to do the same here and now. He asked us to pray “your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” (Mark 6:10) 2-Pray with

Thinking with God

God does not need to think  but we do need to PRAY Proverbs 16:1 The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. God has a different nature, his mind does not operate like humans’. He does not need to think; and by thinking I mean to evaluate and rearrange the motives and ideas. He has the answers because He has the absolute wisdom.  The preparation of the heart or thinking belong to man. And Adam's fall made it harder, now we have an imbalance; we need to weigh things, to question our motivations and ideas. The knowledge of good and evil made us know them both but yet we like them both. We usually need to work our minds and hearts to differentiate between good and evil. There is a conflict between our Spirit and our flesh. Our spirit wants to do the will of God but our flesh wants to submit to its body desires. Mark 14:37 “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” When you are born-again "Prayer" becomes

Human Beauty

Part of being a human is to wonder if you are living up to your moral standards and raising to your potential. The answer might seem straight forward most of the time. But when you are seriously looking for an honest answer your might find it challenging to decide. If we took this question to the Bible, we will find an expansion to this confusion; we know that God created man in his image. We also know that man fell and was cursed. So we are a cursed version of a creation which was in the image of God. Yet God says that his delights were with the sons of men. On the other hand, he regretted that He had made man because of man’s sin. Yet our potential is precious enough that God sent his only Son to die for us. When a man is born-again, he realizes that there is a conflict inside, there is the spirit and the flesh. So can we say that man is a beautiful creature? I can say yes, because God created humans beautiful. He is the perfect creator. He made us socially caring, we learn h

Destroying the work of the devil

Jesus came to establish a covenant, a new close relationship between us and God. His first priority was to destroy all the barriers the devil had built so that he (Jesus) can restore us back. He took the initiatives and showed us that God loves us to an extent that we can’t believe or comprehend. God regularly opens our eyes to realize what is in his heart for us. Along our journey with Jesus we gradually understand how the work of the devil is holding us back. Here are four barriers which Jesus destroyed: 1-Worries If you are working as hard as possible to secure the earthy living then let me t ell you that Jesus wants you to know that he can bless you to the level above which your business may collapse. He wants to comfort you financially, his will is blessing and prosper. God wants to visit your business; he wants to be closer to you even while you are at work. He wants to be your partner and in the same way he wants you to work with him in his mission to restore his children. 2-

This should be my life

Today I asked myself what is the most important thing in my life? It is a familiar question but finding the best answer is so important because this answer will determine your priorities, choices, goals and plans otherwise your life is just hanging around with no clear purpose or principles. The first idea that came to my mind is to be happy, but wait a minuet I recognize this voice, I usually hear it while I am hungry or tired. Yeah! it is the voice of the natural human living within me. Happiness can't be a reason for living otherwise I will be so self-centered and greedy. Happiness supposed to be a result of achieving a higher goal. But what is a good target? How about the challenge to work as hard as possible to achieve my targets lets say success, money, power or even competing with others to be a better person. No way, I still have the same problem, this also sounds even more selfish Since my first two guesses were self-centered, I started to look around me and realized I am