
Biblical blessings

    Types of blessings We pray seeking God’s blessings, and we always say “May God bless America”. As Christians what should the word blessing mean to us? Many of us always associate blessings with richness, peace, fruitfulness or family. And for Christians, blessings are like many other biblical concepts —they have eternal implications and earthly shadows.   The Biblical blessing While searching the Bible for the real meaning of blessing , we can’t miss several characters whom we considered blessed. Abraham who had a promise to be a blessing; Isaac and Jacob were promised to inherit the blessings. Joseph, David and Jesus were promised to bless and save others. But Abraham left his land and his family and lived as a stranger in a foreign land. Isaac was rejected by his neighbors. Jacob escaped, leaving his father’s inheritance and was deceived by his uncle many times. Joseph was sold as a slave, went through an unjust trial, and was imprisoned. David lived years in the wilde

معجزة الخلاص (ولادة جديدة)

مشاركة عن الولادة الجديدة من اجتماع الكنيسة العربية المعمدانية بميريلاند  

Jesus Changed my life

  I want to tell you "Jesus Changed my life" ? When I put my trust in Jesus, my eyes were opened to understand that I was saved from death and was given eternal life. I was so happy but still terrified of how horrible my eternal fate would have been. I was so grateful to my brother who led me to Christ and prayed for me. During this wonderful experience I remember very well the bitterness I felt toward one of my dear friends. I knew later that he was born again and spiritually active in his church. I was so angry about wh y he never told me about my need for salvation. I felt I was dying and he never tried to help. I was wondering what could have stopped him from telling me about Christ. He said “I thought you were fine”. His reply made me sorry for him; really? You thought I was fine dying without Christ, spending every day without the wonderful personal relationship with the God of the universe, without God’s grace, mercy, joy and forgiveness? Ironically 20 years later, hun

Psalms 19 Gospel

  “1 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.  2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.  3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.  4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,  5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.  6 Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.” Psalms 19 is known as one of the most referenced passages about the Word of God. Recently while reading the first part,  I started to wonder why Paul decided to reference this part in Romans 10 while he was speaking about the spread of the Gospel. Then I started to think--What can we learn from Psalms 19 to better understand the nature of our Gospel? I can think of two features of our Gospel: 1-Maybe our test

Happy Monday my friend!!

On a Monday morning while getting out of the garage walking to my work, I heard a familiar voice saying “Happy Monday, my friend!!” It is the sound of our garage attendant Tina. She is always smiling and full of energy. Well, I needed this and, as simple as it is, what she said had an impact on my worldview. On Friday everybody says “Happy Friday” but on Monday is when we really need encouragement. The week is still long. We can’t wait till the next weekend.       In our life walk it is similar. When you are down is when you need the encouraging messages the most. Jesus has a similar impact when he said “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 It is a Monday, but be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world. “The world and its desires pass away,  but whoever does the will of God  lives forever. ” 1 John 2:17 Every day go to work knowing that maybe it will be a hard day. But remember Jesus has overcome and the

The Living Water

The Living Water     While reading John 4, I wanted to write about the Living water and to answer three questions, why would the all mighty God ask us to do something for him, If we want to be wise then what shall we ask for and what do we really have to offer people around us.   Why would God ask you to do something hard? Sometimes we feel overwhelmed because God is asking us to do something hard, or to give away something valuable. When this happens, it is important to remember this heavenly secret; what you are doing or giving is not to compare to what God can do or give to you. In this situation I pray that your eyes will be opened to understand the Grace of God and the gift we are given when He asks us. Because then we can ask and receive the Living Water. The Comforter, The Counselor, The Teacher, The Helper, The Strengthener and The Intercessor. With Him and through Him we can surly satisfy the desires of God’s heart. W

Praying vs Doing

I would pray to move a mountain but I would not even care to move a pebble On my way to visit a cancer patient, I started to pray, I asked God to help, to heal, then I started to think of all those things I wanted God to do, but what am I ready to do? Am I willing to sacrifice anything, time, effort, or at least sincere care? Well, unfortunately without God’s grace I was not ready to move a finger or get out of my comfort zone.   While I might not have a control on how God would answer my prayers, I was concerned with the state of my heart. I sounded exactly like James 2:16 “And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” If prayer is so much easier than doing anything or we prefer praying instead of doing what we should be doing, then we have a problem. I started wondering why my prayer and readiness are so cold--do I need pain in my life to seek G