
God's voice lesson # 2 The fatal mistake

 One day a young man went to his father and asked him for advice. The father was not sure if his son really wanted his advice. When the son insisted the father hesitantly opened up his heart and out of love gave the best advice to his son. The son went away and did the exact opposite of his father's advice in a humiliating way.  The father was very insulted and regretted opening up his heart and shared his wisdom.  This is almost our story with God when we ask for his voice and don't obey. In my career I am always given the freedom to manage my area. I am always trusted to do what I see appropriate. But in those cases when I consult my manager or my manager's manager it is an insult if I totally ignore their opinion or advice. Same principle applies to God. When the nation of Israel asked God to give them the law, the law became a law it was no longer optional or best practice. This is how God's Word should be treated in our life. Let me share an example from Jeremiah 4

God’s voice- Introduction

  Why I am writing about God’s voice?  Hearing God’s voice was a priority to me when I first knew Christ. At that time I was doubting everything including my salvation. Hearing God's voice was an assurance of his love. I thought if God loves me I want him to speak to me. During my first quiet times with him I was praying with tears for him to speak to me and he did. Later on as I was growing in my faith I was also fascinated with the privilege and the ability to speak and to hear the creator of all things the king of the universe.     Later I learned few lessons about his voice I want to share them with you. Hearing him is very important for every believer. The influence the Holy Spirit has on you is proportional to your ability to hear him daily. Most of the Holy Spirit’s gifts are based on you ability to hear God’s voice.    If you can’t hear God word for you in the moment you are in then you are disconnected from the Kingdom, from your mission and you are not taking

God's Voice Lesson #1

  How to hear God’s word for you? Lesson #1 He is Lord It was a miserable state. The strong enemy army is surrounding the city walls. Fear and trembling were in every heart. Hunger has already struck the city. There was no more bread. The army was tired and hopeless. Our religion, heritage and history are about to be wiped out. The enemy plans were to burn everything down as soon as they open the city. The king was living a nightmare and didn’t not know what to do. In despair he invited the prophet Jeremiah in secret. He has only one urgent question.  “Is there any word from the Lord?”  Sounded like when Saul inquired of the Lord and the Lord did not answer him. He was echoing Saul saying “I am deeply distressed; for there is a war against me, and God has departed from me and does not answer me anymore” There are times in live when we are ready to do anything hoping that God would reveal to us what to do. God’s word is so valuable and it is even more valuable when it is so rare.


      Like me you probably have heard so many arguments about salvation. For example, are we saved by faith alone? Or by works? or by both?  Can we even be sure about our salvation? Can a man really lose his salvation? Here is where I found peace; when I stepped back and asked myself a deeper question. Is salvation something we earn? Or it is the work of God? Can a man save himself or only God can save us? The Christian faith represent Jesus as the savior of the world 1 . The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world 2 . God even gives us a heart to know him 3  Even our reaction after salvation is led by his Holy Spirit and is not a result of our righteousness and we can’t even claim credit for it.  Bible say that we created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do 4 . And again, it confirms that it is God who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose 5 . We can conclude that the salvation and the change in our life

Biblical blessings

    Types of blessings We pray seeking God’s blessings, and we always say “May God bless America”. As Christians what should the word blessing mean to us? Many of us always associate blessings with richness, peace, fruitfulness or family. And for Christians, blessings are like many other biblical concepts —they have eternal implications and earthly shadows.   The Biblical blessing While searching the Bible for the real meaning of blessing , we can’t miss several characters whom we considered blessed. Abraham who had a promise to be a blessing; Isaac and Jacob were promised to inherit the blessings. Joseph, David and Jesus were promised to bless and save others. But Abraham left his land and his family and lived as a stranger in a foreign land. Isaac was rejected by his neighbors. Jacob escaped, leaving his father’s inheritance and was deceived by his uncle many times. Joseph was sold as a slave, went through an unjust trial, and was imprisoned. David lived years in the wilde

معجزة الخلاص (ولادة جديدة)

مشاركة عن الولادة الجديدة من اجتماع الكنيسة العربية المعمدانية بميريلاند  

Jesus Changed my life

  I want to tell you "Jesus Changed my life" ? When I put my trust in Jesus, my eyes were opened to understand that I was saved from death and was given eternal life. I was so happy but still terrified of how horrible my eternal fate would have been. I was so grateful to my brother who led me to Christ and prayed for me. During this wonderful experience I remember very well the bitterness I felt toward one of my dear friends. I knew later that he was born again and spiritually active in his church. I was so angry about wh y he never told me about my need for salvation. I felt I was dying and he never tried to help. I was wondering what could have stopped him from telling me about Christ. He said “I thought you were fine”. His reply made me sorry for him; really? You thought I was fine dying without Christ, spending every day without the wonderful personal relationship with the God of the universe, without God’s grace, mercy, joy and forgiveness? Ironically 20 years later, hun